A workplace bullying incident involving a manager surnamed Chao at a well-known electric vehicle brand.

<aside> ☝🏻 事前呼籲 A Prior Note

與這間電動車公司自身營運無關,歡迎大家與我一樣,走入展間逛逛,一起成為車主。 This is unrelated to the operations of the electric vehicle company itself. I encourage everyone to visit the showroom, just as I did, and consider becoming this brand’s car owner.


本頁目錄 Table of contents

主要事件 Key Incident of the Issue

詳細背景交代 Detailed Background

最終希望達到的效果 Desired Outcome

希望這名主管能因為內在良心、公司調查以及社會輿論,離開現職與公司、亦不要獲得任何獵頭推薦或協助,以免再殘害其他工作者。 I hope this manager will leave their current position and the company, driven by their conscience, the company’s investigation, and public opinion. Additionally, I hope they do not receive any headhunter recommendations or assistance, to prevent them from harming other workers.

長期霸凌/個案職務霸權事例 Long-Term Bullying / Individual Case of Workplace Tyranny

涉嫌不尊重、歧視其他不同部門之同事 Allegedly disrespected and discriminated against colleagues from other departments.

對於非主管職、任職於交車部門、業務部門、客戶服務部門或是服務廠等具有專業技能、人才聚集的單位同事們 Towards non-managerial employees, especially those working in delivery, sales, customer service, or service departments, are units with specialized skills and concentrated talent.