A workplace bullying incident involving a manager surnamed Chao at a well-known electric vehicle brand.
☝🏻 事前呼籲 A Prior Note
This is unrelated to the operations of the electric vehicle company itself. I encourage everyone to visit the showroom, just as I did, and consider becoming this brand’s car owner.
本頁目錄 Table of contents
主要事件 Key Incident of the Issue
- 日期:2022年2月18日
Date: 2022/2/18
- 事件描述:在行銷部門內部會議中,該名主管拿起會議桌上的消毒用酒精,並直接噴灑在投訴人的臉部。此行為極具危險性,如未及時閉眼,可能會造成視力受損。
Incident Description: During an internal marketing department meeting, the manager picked up disinfectant alcohol from the table and sprayed it directly on the complainant's face. This act was highly dangerous, as it could have caused eye damage if the complainant had not closed their eyes in time.
詳細背景交代 Detailed Background
- 關鍵字詞:趙士麃、阿布、B君、abluejet、Bruce Chao
- 參考臉書這篇:https://supr.link/neuPq
- 為什麼現在才發難:
Why I’m Speaking Out Now:
It took me a long time to recover to where I am today. With discussions on bullying currently happening both domestically and internationally, I plan to speak out so that people are willing to pay attention to this issue while awareness is being raised.
最終希望達到的效果 Desired Outcome
I hope this manager will leave their current position and the company, driven by their conscience, the company’s investigation, and public opinion. Additionally, I hope they do not receive any headhunter recommendations or assistance, to prevent them from harming other workers.
長期霸凌/個案職務霸權事例 Long-Term Bullying / Individual Case of Workplace Tyranny
- 要求投訴人於其家中一對一共進晚餐,半推半強迫投訴人飲酒至返家後嘔吐
Demanded that the complainant have a one-on-one dinner at the manager's home, and semi-coerced them into drinking alcohol, which led to the complainant vomiting after returning home.
- 嘲笑投訴人當時自身自卑的髮量
Mocked the complainant for their then-low self-esteem related to their hair volume.
- 其他時常計時一小時起跳的小會議室高強度的訓斥
Frequently subjected the complainant to intense reprimands in small meeting rooms, often lasting over an hour.
- 三不五時提及用金錢、
公司RSU(可以理解為 Offer 中跟薪水一起談好的股票額度)、
Frequently mentioned exchanging money, company RSUs (which can be understood as stock options negotiated along with salary in the offer), or even the body for his so-called brilliant ideas. Even if said in jest, it was extremely inappropriate.
- 案例:2022年2月18日錄音
Case: February 18, 2022, Recording
- 「怎麼樣,我是不是很厲害」
"How about it? Am I impressive or what?”
- 「那你付我NT$1,500(買這個點子)」
"Then pay me NT$1,500 for this idea.”
- 「那你要拿多少RSU (Restricted Stock Unit)跟我換」
"How many RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) are you willing to trade for it?”
- 「還是你要用身體換」
"Or do you want to trade your body instead?”
涉嫌不尊重、歧視其他不同部門之同事 Allegedly disrespected and discriminated against colleagues from other departments.
Towards non-managerial employees, especially those working in delivery, sales, customer service, or service departments, are units with specialized skills and concentrated talent.